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Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 03:56:48 PDT
From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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Precedence: List
Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #1100
To: Info-Hams
Info-Hams Digest Fri, 7 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 1100
Today's Topics:
ARLD061 DX news
Courtesy In Amateur Radio
CW Learning: Going slow. :(
exam dates
FOR SALE: 2-meter Multimode (REPOST)
GB2RS News 9th October 1994
IPS Daily Report - 05 October 94
Isoloop vs R5/7
Kerchunking: legal? (Was: Re: Radio Shack Violation)
Operation in Bahama's w/US license?
REQUEST INFO -- Morse tutorial software for Macintosh
Uniden 2510 mods
Where Do I Send My Renewal Form????
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 17:39:39 EDT
From: w1aw@arrl.org
Subject: ARLD061 DX news
ARLD061 DX news
DX Bulletin 61 ARLD061
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT October 6, 1994
To all radio amateurs
ARLD061 DX news
Thanks to Tedd, KB8NW, the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, Frank,
AH0W/OH2LVG, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network,
Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin, Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, G0MMI, Adam,
N7VEW, and the Contest Corral column from QST magazine.
RWANDA. It has been reported that Hartmut, 9X5HG, has returned to
Rwanda and is active once again. Several southeastern USA stations
worked him on October 1 around 0330z on 7028 kHz.
ETHIOPIA. ET3BT has been on the 14226 DX Net almost daily. Try
between 1800 and 2230z.
BURUNDI. 4U/F5OWB/9U has been spotted on 14240 kHz around 2100Z.
QSL via UNSCF Radio Tech, PO Box 200, Bujumbura, Burundi.
continues to have problems with flight reservations. This has
caused delays in his 3D2, T30 and T2 DXpedition.
MOUNT ATHOS. Tokyo PacketCluster spots show Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A
has been active on RTTY. Listen for him around 14083 kHz between
0700 and 0730z.
MADEIRA. DL8KWS/CT3 and DL3KUD/CT3 will be active on all bands
October 6 through 27.
MICRONESIA. JA0VSH and YL JG0PBJ should be active now as V63KZ and
V63MP, respectively, on 160 through 10 meters, including the WARC
bands, through October 10. Their local evening operating will be CW
only. As of press time, there were no spots for this one on the
local DX PacketCluster. QSL to their home calls, direct or via the
JARL Bureau.
ANGUILLA AND SINT MAARTEN. Warren, WB1HBB, will be vacationing with
some operating from Anguilla as VP2E/WB1HBB October 18, 19 and 20.
Sint Maarten is slated for October 21 through 28 using the call
PJ7/WB1HBB. Try 14.263 kHz at 1230z and 2100z. QSL via WB1HBB.
REVILLA GIGEDO. This is to correct some information released on the
planned DXpedition to XF4M by Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG and company. Their
30 meter operation will not, repeat not be the first such operations
from Revilla Gigedo.
QSL TIPS. G0MMI reports that he is the manager for LX1DM. QSL
contacts from 1990 to 1993 to his Callbook address. Also, he is no
longer the manager for YI1RJ, Raid, who is now in Jordan. Adam,
N7VEW, is now the QSL manager for Randy, TJ1JR. Please QSL to
Adam's current Callbook address with SASE.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. Tuning in over the weekend will reveal
the Hambrew Fall Festival, Ibero-American Contest, Illinois and
Pennsylvania state QSO parties, and VK/ZL/Oceana CW DX Contests.
Check out pages 125 and 126 in September QST for details on these on
the air events.
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 04:13:58 GMT
From: jjmartin@world.std.com (James J Martin)
Subject: Courtesy In Amateur Radio
Henry B. Smith (hbs@crl.com) wrote:
: Folks, if you are tired of the same old drill on HF SSB and you are
: willing to try a challenge, come down to the CW part of the band and listen.
: It's not all at 20+ WPM, there's probably plenty of QSO's at exactly
: your speed somewhere down there.
: The folks are friendly and they dont blow you off just becuz they
: dont know you.
: Been there, done it, like it,
Aw right Smitty! Hey I even ended up with a T-shirt! We ought to start
spelling out our callsigns on our vehicles' rear windows...in Morse that is.
.-- -.- .---- ...-
73 de Jim / WK1V
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 03:21:29 GMT
From: smp@agape.sol.net (Steven M. Palm)
Subject: CW Learning: Going slow. :(
While I am waiting for my ticket to arrive for the No-Code Technician
license, I decided to do that which I swore I would never do: Learn Code. ;)
(Hey, it helps defeat the blues waiting for the ticket, REALLY! :)
I've gotten to the point where I can send code pretty good. I know
all the letters and numbers, working still on the symbols/punctuation.
MY PROBLEM: I can't receive worth the darn. :( Actually, I just have
a real hard time hearing the sound and connecting in my brain to the
actual character, yet sending goes like a snap.
Is this a common "hurdle" to overcome, or am I just odd. :) (Thankfully
no one here knows me well enough to add much to that one... :) I am
using the SuperMorse program (EXCELLENT!) to learn, and am wondering
if the code tapes may have been a better route, and this is a side-
effect of my choice in learning.
Thanks to one and all for comments.
Date: 6 Oct 1994 19:54:14 -0400
From: calvin@pegasus.rutgers.edu (Grizzly.45Mag)
Subject: exam dates
Hi! Can soemone please e-mail me exam dates for the near future in the
new jersey / upstate new york area.
Thanks much in advance.....
I love storms, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes etc. They are Mother Nature's
way of reminding us that She could kick our butts a n y t i m e !!
#include std_disclaimer.h ||||||| N2RVJ ||||||| calvin@pegasus.rutgers.edu
I love storms, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes etc. They are Mother Nature's
way of reminding us that She could kick our butts a n y t i m e !!
#include std_disclaimer.h ||||||| N2RVJ ||||||| calvin@pegasus.rutgers.edu
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 12:38:45 GMT
From: phb@syseng1.melpar.esys.com (Paul H. Bock)
Subject: FOR SALE: 2-meter Multimode (REPOST)
FOR SALE: Yaesu FT-290R Mk II 2-meter SSB/CW/FM multimode, 25 w.
output, 10 memories, 2 VFOs, scan. Absolutely mint, new condition,
one month old. $500.00 OBO and I'll pay shipping. Very nice
compact radio, but I prefer a HF rig & transverter setup.
(|_|) Paul H. Bock, Jr. K4MSG Internet: pbock@melpar.esys.com
| |) Telephone: (703) 560-5000 x2062 (work)
(703) 882-4745 (home)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 18:24:39 +0000
From: dave@llondel.demon.co.uk (David Hough)
Subject: GB2RS News 9th October 1994
Good morning. It's Sunday the 9th of October and here is the GB2RS news
broadcast, prepared by the RSGB and intended for all radio amateurs and
short-wave listeners.
Next weekend sees the 37th Jamboree on the Air and this year, over 250
Special Event callsigns have been issued. The event lasts from 0001 UTC
on Saturday the 15th to 2359 UTC on Sunday the 16th and Scouts and
Guides all over the world will be using amateur radio to celebrate their
shared interest. All UK groups which have told RSGB HQ that they are
participating, have been sent an information pack which includes a list
of stations taking part. Anyone else who would like a copy of this list
is asked to send an A5-size Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to the
Amateur Radio Department at RSGB, Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters
Bar, Herts EN6 3JE.
A meeting between the RSGB and the Director of the Science Museum was
scheduled for last Thursday to discuss the future of the GB2SM amateur
radio exhibit. More information on this next week.
The next RSGB Microwave Round Table meeting is next Sunday the 16th at
the Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society Clubhouse, Merley, near
Wimborne, Dorset, commencing at 10am. The attractions include technical
talks, calibration and alignment facilities, plus of course the usual
round table discussions. There will be a bring and buy stand, hot drinks
and snacks. All are welcome. For further details telephone Mike, G3LYP,
on 0494 881298.
It is with regret that the Radio Society of Great Britain announces the
resignation from Council on 10 September 1994 of Immediate Past
President Peter Chadwick, G3RZP. Peter's resignation follows a decision
by a majority of Council to propose certain minor changes in the
Articles of Association to the membership of the Society at an
Extraordinary General Meeting to be held in December 1994. The full
proposals and explanatory commentary will appear in the Society's Annual
Report and Accounts to be circulated to members during November. If
accepted, the changes allow Council a degree of flexibility in the
future conduct of its business and correct certain anomalies that exist
in the current wording of some Articles. Peter felt that he could not
support the changes at this time and, because Council is collectively
responsible for sponsoring these amendments to the Society's
constitution, decided he should resign his seat on Council.
Council will miss Peter's considerable technical expertise and
good-humoured contributions to its work and wishes him well in the
The Port Talbot Amateur Radio Society celebrates its 50th Anniversary in
1996 and is calling all ex-members of the Neath-Briton Ferry (now called
the Port Talbot) Amateur Radio Society formed in 1946. If you have any
information or would like to attend the celebration, please contact the
Secretary, GW0NKF on 01639 892311.
A new RSGB Liaison Officer (RLO) has been appointed for the Tyne and
Wear Area. He is Keith Ritson, G0PKR, and his address is 14 Dunsdale
Road, Holywell, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear NE25 0NG. Keith's telephone
number is 0191 237 1963.
GB3TG, the Milton Keynes 10GHz ATV Repeater, went off-air, on or about
the 22nd of September due to a nearby lightening strike. It has now been
dismantled for repair and refurbishment which is estimated will take a
minimum of four weeks. For further information contact the repeater
keeper Dave, G4NJU, whose address is correct in the RSGB Call Book.
Now some items of HF DX news from the weekly RSGB DX News Sheet which is
edited by Brendan McCartney, G4DYO.
From the Azores, LA0CX will sign CU2/LA0CX from next Wednesday until
Sunday the 16th, with special emphasis on 10.103MHz and 18.073MHz.
From St Helena, ZD7 operators will be especially active on Friday the
14th of October from 1800 to 1900 UTC as part of "Radio St Helena Day".
On CW, check around 7.08MHz {Newsreaders - this frequency is correct,
though rather high for CW} and on SSB check around 14.22MHz and
And from Macau, G3SXW and G3TXF will sign XX9TSX and XX9TXF respective
from Taipa Island from Wednesday the 19th until Thursday the 27th of
October. Activity will be on all bands, CW only.
Now the event(s) for today, Sunday the 9th of October:
Today Sunday is the last day of the RSGB International HF and IOTA
Convention being held at the Beaumont Conference Centre, near Windsor in
Berkshire. This is an event which has something for the beginner as well
as the expert. And although many of the Convention visitors stayed
overnight, the event is open to day visitors. There is a full programme
of lectures, slide shows and discussion sessions on today and many
special interest groups will be represented. Morse tests are available
on demand, subject to producing two passport-type photographs and test
fee. Details of the HF Convention can be found on page 19 of October's
edition of RadCom.
The All Ireland International Radio and Hobbies Exhibition is being held
at St Patrick Hall, Cathedral Road, Armagh. Doors open 12 noon. The
event features many trade stands, including radio, computer and much
more. Full catering and bar facilities are available.
The Kidderminster and District Amateur Radio Society Rally is being held
at Stourport-on-Severn High School, Minster Road, Stourport-on-Severn.
Doors open at 10am. The event features trade stands, a bring and buy
stall and refreshments. Talk-in is on 2 metres and 70 centimetres.
The South Devon Radio Club Computercations'94 Amateur Radio and Computer
Rally is being held at the Hillhead Campsite, Hill Head, Kingswear Road,
Brixham. Doors open at 10am. The event features trade stands covering
radio and computers, a bring and buy stall, a raffle and refreshments.
Talk-in is on 2 metres, channel S22.
We know of no Rally for next Sunday the 16th which is Jamboree On The
Air weekend but the following Friday and Saturday, the 21st and 22nd of
October, the Leicester Amateur Radio Show which is held at The Granby
Halls, Aylestone Road, Leicester. This is just off the M1 motorway,
junction 21. Parking arrangement are the same as in previous years. The
old cattle market is still being used but it has a height restriction.
Doors open daily at 10am, or 9.30am for disabled visitors. The event
features an extensive trade exhibition, an RSGB Book and Information
Stand and a bring and buy stall. Morse Tests will be available on demand
during the two days, but prospective candidates are reminded that they
need to provide two passport-type photographs, together with the test
fee. The RAOTA AGM will be held in the conference room on Saturday. Full
catering and bar facilities will be available. Talk-in will be on
channel S22 and SU22 by GB2GH. The October edition of RadCom has full
details of the show including a stand layout. Further information can be
obtained from Frank Elliott, G4PDZ, on 0116 287 1086.
Now for the HF contest news:
The RSGB 21/28MHz CW Contest takes place next Sunday the 16th of October
from 0700 to 1900 UTC. See the June edition of Radio Communication, page
82 for further details.
Next some VHF contest news:
An RSGB 24GHz Summer Cumulative Contest takes place today, Sunday the
9th, from 0900 to 2100 UTC. See April's RadCom for details.
The first of five RSGB 432MHz Cumulative Contest takes place next
Wednesday, the 12th of October, from 2030 to 2300 local time. See the
July edition of RadCom, page 82 for further details.
The penultimate event in the RSGB 144MHz CW Cumulative Contest takes
place next Friday the 14th of October from 2030 - 2300 Local Time.
And now the solar factual data:
The period from the 26th of September to the 2nd of October has seen
solar activity at very low levels, with geomagnetic activity declining
to quiet conditions. No flares were reported. Sunspot indices generally
declined throughout the period and meaned at 28. Solar flux levels have
varied little day to day and averaged only 74 flux units. The
geomagnetic field generally declined from unsettled levels of up to 20
units on the 26th of September, down to very quiet levels of only 3
units by the 1st of October. The period averaged an Ap of 10.7 units.
The state has been 'nil, nothing to report'. The 90 day flux level was
78 units on the 30th of September.
The aa indices, as reported by the British Geological Survey for the
period from the 20th to the 26th of September, were mainly quiet. The
23rd was down to only 7.3 nanoTeslas with the most disturbed day being
the 25th, up to 29.0 nanoTeslas with periods up to 80 nanoTeslas. The
period averaged 15.5 nanoTeslas, about K2. The X-Ray flux levels have
remained very low only, averaging A2.3 units. The electron fluence
varied little and stayed at moderate levels.
The September sunspots averaged RI 26.7, with a high of 65 on the 5th,
and lows of only 8 on the 15th and 16th. The six month smoothed number
for March was 34.4 plus or minus 0 5.
The solar flux average for September was 81.1 units, with the high at 95
units on the 5th, and the lows at 70 units on the 17th, 19th, 20th and
21st. The geomagnetic field averaged an Ap of 10.1 units with the most
disturbed day being the 9th up to 30 units, and the quietest being the
22nd and 23rd with levels down to only 3 units.
I'll repeat the figures. Spots - 28; Flux - 74; Ap index - 10.7; X-ray
flux - A2.3. Averages for September: Spots RI 26.7; Flux 81.1; Ap index
Now the ionospheric data for Central France:
The F2 daytime critical frequencies at Poitiers averaged 6.9MHz, with
the best day being the 1st of October, up to 7.5MHz. The darkness hour
lows averaged 2.9MHz with spread F being reported on some days, lasting
up to 6 hours on the 28th. Very small amounts of blanketing E was also
reported. With the seasonal changes the highs are now becoming earlier
about 18.00 hours, with the early morning lows at 05.00 hours.
I'll repeat the figures. Highs - 6.9MHz; lows - 2.9MHz.
And lastly the solar forecast:
This week the more active side of the sun will be rotating away; solar
flux figures are expected to be into the high 70s but falling throughout
the period. The geomagnetic field is expected to be mainly quiet. MUFs
in the south are expected to be about 21MHz during daylight, with
darkness hour lows being about 10MHz. North/south paths are expected to
be best, but east/west paths are expected to be open during darkness
hours on the lower HF bands.
And that's the end of the solar information.
Finally in the main news, SSL has informed the Society that as of last
Wednesday morning, the latest callsigns allocated were in the G0 Victor
Hotel and G7 Tango Tango series, and Novice calls in the 2 0 Alpha India
and 2 1 Delta Kilo series.
GB2RS is prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain
and is broadcast in the 80m, 40m, 6m and 2m bands.
Tel +44 1707 659015 Fax +44 1707 645105
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 23:29:54 GMT
From: rwc@flare.syd.ips.oz.au (Regional Warning Centre)
Subject: IPS Daily Report - 05 October 94
Activity: low
Flares: none.
Observed 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number : 79/19
GOES satellite data for 04 Oct
Daily Proton Fluence >1 MeV: 1.3E+07
Daily Proton Fluence >10 MeV: 1.3E+04
Daily Electron Fluence >2 MeV: 9.8E+08 (high)
X-ray background: A1.0
Fluence (flux accumulation over 24hrs)/ cm2-ster-day.
06 Oct 07 Oct 08 Oct
Activity Low Low Low
Fadeouts None expected None expected None expected
Forecast 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number for 06 Oct: 81/22
Geomagnetic field at Learmonth: active to minor storm
Estimated Indices : A K Observed A Index 04 Oct
Learmonth 26 4335 5433
Fredericksburg 25 23
Planetary 31 26
Observed Kp for 04 Oct: 5444 4334
06 Oct 18 Unsettled to active
07 Oct 16 Unsettled
08 Oct 10 Unsettled
COMMENT: IPS Geomagnetic Warning 5 was issued on 1 October and is
current for interval 4-6 October. Magnetic activity is expected to
decline today.
05 Oct fair-normal fair poor
PCA Event : None.
06 Oct normal fair poor
07 Oct normal fair poor
08 Oct normal normal fair
DATE T-index MUFs at Sydney
05 Oct -18 about 25% below predicted monthly values
Predicted Monthly T-index for October: 20
DATE T-index MUFs
06 Oct 0 Depressed 20% early in UT day then slowly recovering
07 Oct 15 Near predicted monthly values
08 Oct 20 Near predicted monthly values
COMMENT: IPS HF Communications Warning 3 was issued on 2 October and
is current for interval 4-6 October. Ionospheric depression in
progress. Continued depression expected for first half of today,
for southern half of Australia. Depressions of 20% were observed at
Townsville yesterday for interval 01-07UT. Townsville MUF values are
near predicted monthly values this morning.
IPS Regional Warning Centre, Sydney |IPS Radio and Space Services
RWC Duty Forecaster tel: +61 2 4148329 |PO Box 5606
Recorded Message tel: +61 2 4148330 |West Chatswood NSW 2057
email: rwc@ips.oz.au fax: +61 2 4148331 |AUSTRALIA
Date: 5 Oct 1994 23:02:58 GMT
From: pryack@mtholyoke.edu (Paul Ryack)
Subject: Isoloop vs R5/7
What kind of luck have netters had with the AEA Isoloop and the MFJ
clone? Do they live up to their advertising claims? What about the
Cushcraft R5 or R7, and the MFJ clone? Comments would be appreciated. TNX
& 73 de Paul, W1ETH @ K6TZ.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 03:16:48 GMT
From: smp@agape.sol.net (Steven M. Palm)
Subject: Kerchunking: legal? (Was: Re: Radio Shack Violation)
In article <Cx5sr6.AxJ@wang.com> dbushong@wang.com writes:
>linley@netcom.com (Bruce James Robert Linley) writes:
>>In ye olden post lestrade@Ra.MsState.Edu (John Patrick Lestrade) spake...
>>>Is it any more of a `violation' for someone to pick up an ht on the rs
>>>counter and `kerchunk' a repeater as it is for someone who does NOT have
>>>a driver's license to start the engine of a car in a showroom?
>>It will be a violation if he drives it onto the road. However, if a
>>non-ham keys a radio into a dummy load, I do not believe that would
>>be a violation.
No, since into a dummy load you are really not radiating the signal.
(At least not far enough to be detected, we would hope. :)
>We know that you need to identify if you transmit, but check out this
>wording in Part 97:
> \(sc 97.305 Authorized emission types.
> (b) A station may transmit a test emission on any frequency
>authorized to the control operator for brief periods for
>experimental purposes, ...
>This sounds a lot like kerchunking defined.
Perhaps, but who is the control operator? The person walking into
a RS Store perhaps is not licensed, and therefore cannot be the
control operator, and therefore has no frequency authorizations with
which they can conduct the test.
Point on the above regulations is therefore moot for a non-licensed
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 21:49:46 -0500
From: "John B. Monson" <jbmonson@delphi.com>
Subject: Operation in Bahama's w/US license?
You will need to contact the local Bahamian telephone company (Batelco)
to obtain a reciprical license to operate anywhere within the Bahamas.
It has been many years since I had one so the cost will surely have in-
creased from $10 charged me back in 1989.
FYI, Ask for the person in charge of licensing amateur radio stations.
John Monson
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 02:34:07 GMT
From: david_b3@sfov1.verifone.com
Subject: REQUEST INFO -- Morse tutorial software for Macintosh
Can someone please email me info on shareware or commercial morse tutorials
for the Macintosh?
David B. Barnes KD6DMS
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 18:43:52 GMT
From: djw@cci.com (David Wright)
Subject: Uniden 2510 mods
Greetings all,
Recently I decided to blow the dust off the Uniden 2510 10m rig. I remembered
reading about a modification to boost the output power close to 100 watts. I
found a copy of the article in the local library, and I'm ready to pursue
getting the necessary components. Before I started however, I thought I would
ask the collective wisdom of the net, if anybody has already tried this mod
and has experience with it. The mod consists of adding a new final and driver
transister, along with adjusting bias, and tweaking AM/FM and CW carrier
So, anybody have thoughts they want to share about this mod? Anybody got a
service manual they want to copy/sell/loan?
Thanks in advance.
73 es cul Dave Wright, N2TYR@cci.com
Date: 6 Oct 1994 17:22:28 -0400
From: mhess@yrkpa.kias.com (M. K. Hess)
Subject: Where Do I Send My Renewal Form????
Help! I've just remembered that my ticket expired in the end of Aug.
I've filled out my renewal form, with a photocopy of my old ticket.
Now, where does it get sent???? The form has no mailing address. I
live in York, PA. Does it go to Gettysburg? If so, whats the address?
If anyone can help please drop me some E-mail at
Thanks in advance
Date: 6 Oct 1994 23:20:13 GMT
From: djw@unlinfo.unl.edu (daniel wright)
References<36nhj1$lq3@jupiter.planet.net> <Pine.SUN.3.90.941003013741.25624G-100000@access1.digex.net>, <36p2u5$1jn0@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: Re: 6 meter AM Activity
galen@picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Galen Watts) writes:
>In article <Pine.SUN.3.90.941003013741.25624G-100000@access1.digex.net> Tony Stalls <rstalls@access1.digex.net> writes:
>>Don't hold me to this, but I hear that 50.4 is the accepted AM calling
>>frequency. (I already have an 8400 xtal for the Scout.) Stay in touch
>>and maybe we can hook up on 6 meters this Fall.
>Just be sure you post something a few days ahead. I'm interested in ANY
>activity above 50 MHz (except those pesky 2m repeaters).
>Galen, KF0YJ, DN-70
Yup!! Me Too!!!! I'm sittin' out here in Nebraska with the HA-460(low
output too!) on....listenin' to 50.400 as I type!!!
73 de Dan........WA0JRD EN10.....djw@unlinfo.unl.edu
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 23:06:13 GMT
From: drt@world.std.com (David R Tucker)
References<36ktsh$t3n@newsbf01.news.aol.com> <36tg7r$fk2@freenet3.scri.fsu.edu>, <36udgj$jqr@hp-col.col.hp.com>
Subject: Re: Courtesy In Amateur Radio
Greg Tarcza (gregt@col.hp.com) wrote:
: As a general rule, I won't answer people who say they are monitoring
: unless I have a need to talk to them. I WILL answer a CQ on the repeater
: since it means somebody wants to talk to me (or anyone else).
: The downside of calling CQ (and the call should be short, like "CQ
: from WA2OOD") is that the first time I heard it, it was followed by
: chatter from others infering that the CQ'er was a lid until someone else
: commented that calling CQ actually made sense and for others to back off.
: I only say that I am monitoring if I am expecting a call or waiting
: for a particular person to show up on the frequency
: Any other opinions on this?
It's a system that makes sense. Too much sense, I suppose. Ideally,
things would go like this:
"Callsign" - I'm kerchunking legally
"Callsign testing" - Extended kerchunk. If a signal report is welcome,
ask for it ("... Could I get a signal
report, please?")
"Callsign listening" - I'm available if you need to get in touch with
me, but don't feel like a casual chat
"CQ from Callsign" - I'm up for a conversation with anyone who answers
But around here that last gets you more arguments than conversations.
(BTW, why is it that Q signals are "bad" on phone, but CQ is okay?
Consistency would suggest "Calling any station, from Callsign,
C-A-L-L-S-I-G-N, go ahead" or something.
Some of these procedures seem much too poorly thought out to pounce on
a violation.)
|David R. Tucker KG2S 8P9CL drt@world.std.com|
End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #1100